Celebrate Recovery

Every September, we host a community-based event to celebrate Recovery Month.

Come on out and celebrate with us at this year’s event:

2024 – Healing Together: Your Community. Our Community

Saturday, September 14, 2024
1:00 PM- 4:00 PM
The City of Refuge
901 Pontiac Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225

Join us for an afternoon of dancing, live music, food and lots of mental health and overdose prevention resources!

Take a look at some of our previous Recovery Month celebrations:

2022 – A Joyful Movement: Celebrating Recovery Together


2021 – Recreating Our Destiny: Celebrating Recovery through Art and Music


2020 – Your Path is Your Own Art Gallery

This virtual art gallery includes submissions for the Your Path is Your Own Community Art Project to celebrate Recovery Month 2020. Community members from across the Baltimore region shared this art as a representation of what recovery and wellness mean to them.

There’s no one way to recover – Your Path is Your Own!