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What is Behavioral Health?
Behavioral health is a term for an individual’s overall emotional and mental wellness. The term encompasses both mental health and substance use disorders.
Number of people served in the public behavioral health system
Percent of people with a mental health disorder in Baltimore
Percent of people with a substance use disorder in Baltimore
Ensuring Quality Behavioral Health Care
BHSB is responsible for managing complaints about behavioral health providers in Baltimore City. Learn how you can report concerns, such as quality of care, facility conditions and licensing.
Upcoming Events
- Sep September 18 Peer Respite Webinar Join us to learn more about the Peer Respite model and the opportunities to bring this approach to Maryland.
- Sep September 14 Your Community, Our Community: Healing Together September is National Recovery Month. Join us on Sept. 14, 1 - 4 p.m., for a day of celebration with entertainment, food and resources for mental health and harm reduction. Bring your friends and family!
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