Jeffery Crook studied abroad and graduated from the University of Maryland’s University College, now called the Global Campus, in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany, in 1998, with a Bachelor’s of Art in International Business Studies and Management. He lived overseas, after graduation, for more five years residing in the cities of Garmisch Parkenkirshen, Germany; Budapest, Hungary; and Hamburg Germany.
He began his career, after graduating, as the Director of Advertising Sales for the Budapest Business Journal, an English-language newspaper which was part of a family of business and travel publications owned and operated by New World Publishing, a company founded by an American expat originally from Pennsylvania. In 2001, while living in Hungary, Jeffery witnessed the country’s 10th anniversary of capitalism.
A resident of Southern Maryland, Prince George’s County, since 1977, Jeffery moved to the City of Baltimore in 2003 where he lived in various neighborhoods; Little Italy, Hampden, Patterson Park, and Lexington Market. He eventually settled down in the Mount Vernon where he currently works.
His parents, both retired, and his two younger siblings still call Prince George’s County home. They have supported all of Jeffery’s aspirations and entrepreneurial pursuits. In 2004, he formed his own boutique public relations firm, called Bethink Communications, for fashion-based businesses. In 2018, Jeffery began his career as an artist and designer under the name The Artist J3FF3RY™. His last art exhibit, which was well received, was held at Central Bar on Howard Street in Baltimore. Jeffery plans to make more of his artwork and designs available in 2024 with a line of postcards, hats and stickers.
In 2020, Jeffery joined B’More Clubhouse. Where he was active in the Communications and Career Development Units and the horticulture club. He returns to the clubhouse regularly for special events and activities. Jeffery enjoys playing rugby, too. He joined the Baltimore Flamingos RFC in 2022.
Currently, Jeffery is employed at Midtown Baltimore, as a Clean Ambassador, charged with keeping the Mt. Vernon area of the city clean, green and safe for Baltimore’s residents and tourists.